title: Livernorth liver patient support group

Contact us

General Enquiries

You can contact us by telephone on 0191 3702961


or drop us a line at freepost LIVERNORTH


Need help now?

Why not ring one of our helpline people? All are LIVErNORTH members who have undertaken professional training to help other liver patients via the telephone. If you don't get an answer, please ring one of the other numbers on the list as there is always someone on call:

Joan: 0191 3702961 Office: 0191 3702961
Ann: 0191 4131827 Susan: 01207 271707
Sue: 01642 706302 Kathryn: 01207 505231
Fiona: 0781 5071918 For Alcoholism call Paul: 0778 4153587


Addenbrookes Liver Transplant Association (ALTA)

British Liver Trust

Haemochromatosis UK

Human Liver in 3D

ICP Support

Children's Liver Disease Foundation


Norfolk & Norwich Liver Support Group - email marjorie.dingle@hotmail.com

PSC Support

Royal Victoria Hospital Liver Support Group, Belfast

South West Liver Buddies

Wilsons Disease Support Group

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If you have any comments about this website; if you have any difficulty using a particular type of browser or screen; if you have a disability which affects your access to the internet, I would be pleased to hear of your experience using this site. Also please let me know if any errors have slipped through.
Please email .